Messy Church started in the U.K. in 2004 and has grown into an international movement operating across a wide range of Christian denominations and traditions. Messy Church enables people of all ages to belong to Christ together. It is a way of doing church which is particularly suited to families but welcoming to all. Today, Messy Church has spread to at least over 4,000 registered Messy Churches in 30 different countries. Over 500,000 throughout the world worship monthly at Messy Church.
The four core values of Messy Church are:
(1) all-ages together,
(2) celebration,
(3) creativity,
(4) centering ourselves in Christ.
There are important, nonnegotiable elements to a typical Messy Church program:
(i) food (a meal will always be provided),
(ii) crafts of all kinds (the bulk of the program), and
(iii) a concluding time of celebrating that brings our crafts and our inspirations together for a simple “lesson.” You will *not* hear a sermon nor experience too much of a traditional worship service during the ‘Celebration’ portion. This *IS* church, but not as you have known it! Instead, there is an emphasis on singing and interactive engagement based around the scripture of the evening. A typical event is two-hours long, in the evening. For more information about ‘Messy Church USA’ check out their website:
This is Port Edwards UMC’s trial run of the Messy Church program. If our ‘Christmas Around the World’ event is a blessing to those who attend, we plan to do 2 more similar events in the spring. If our program gains enough momentum, our dream is to do this regularly (monthly?) next school year. Registering for this event is a wonderful way to be a part of something fresh and positive for the community, your family, and your faith!