Worship On Wednesday

“Recovering from Biblical Manhood & Womanhood”

TOPIC:  Do men and women benefit equally from the Bible?  Are they equally responsible in “sharpening one another in the faith” and passing down to the next generation? 

While some claim the Bible is a hopelessly patriarchal construction by powerful men to oppress men, some churches have sought to reinforce this teaching when we constantly separate men and women, customizing women’s resources and studies according to a culturally based understanding of gender roles.  This study explores the feminine voice in Scripture as synergistic with the dominant male voice.  This study affirms that we do not read the Bible alone but read it within our interpretive covenant communities—our churches

Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm Starting Wednesday, August 17th (through September 28th) 7 weeks:



Aug 24 2022


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM